A Day in the Life of an Architect. My days seem to be heavily spent physically designing and building the content due to my role including the design and development side to ID. Article 2 3 Storey Shop Commercial Bldg Jpg 1429 848 Building Design Office Building Plans Building Plans By observing and analyzing what actually gets done over a set period of time you can make solid plans to address issues and opportunities and decide which resources should be allocated to which task or even which tasks can. A day in the life of a building designer . Attend construction meeting for a current project the law offices of a prestigious downtown law firm. A Day in the Life of a Graphic Designer Making a living as a graphic designer can be very rewarding. Sit with a Developer going through your designs have a coffee with someone on the sales and marketing team read some design books or better yet why not join me in my classroom at BrainStation where we discuss trends design patterns design thi...